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Your Ultimate Summer Playlists
Ihave made a list of some of my favourite movies, and included a Spotify playlist for each genre so you can fully live your best summer. You can either listen to the playlists directly via the link or incorporate these songs into your own playlists. 
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The Phenomenon of Gossip Girl – Then and Now
Gossip Girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite... And who am I? That's one secret I'll never tell. You know you love me. XOXO, GG” In honour of the New Gossip girl reboot on HBO Max and Crave (if you’re Canadian like me), I wanted to bring awareness to the cultural reset that was and is Gossip Girl. In this blog I will not be sharing the fashion in Gossip Girl due to the fact I will soon be doing a whole separate blog dedicated to that. I am currently writing this blog while listening to the GG soundtrack to get some inspo about the 2007 major hit that is/was “Gossip Girl.”
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15 Mar

Journal prompts for positive thinking and more!

50 Journal prompts for positive thinking, stress relief, gratitude & MORE! 

I turn to writing for everything. Writing has been a creative outlet for me for years. Whenever I am in any kind of mood, I put pen to paper and air out all the feelings I am having. If I don’t write something down, I will not remember it, so it is crucial that I implement a journal practice at least a couple of times a week, if not every day. I think it is important to write about both the happy times and the not-so-great times. It can give you perspective and help you out whenever you’re feeling down. 

I have compiled my favourite journal prompts that hopefully can give you some inspiration for what YOU can write in your next journaling session. Sit back with your journal, drink some tea, put on your favourite album, and settle in to connect with yourself. After I journal, I instantly feel lighter. I hope it provides you with that same joy! Copy the prompts that speak to you and write freely<3

Journal prompts for….

Positive thinking: 

What is something that always puts me in a good mood?

What makes me unique? 

What are 5 things I love about myself?

What am I excited about?

What have I been proud of recently?

What has been giving me positive energy?

What inspires me?

What are things I have found beauty in recently?

Who are my favourite singers and how have they helped me?

What’s a happy moment that makes me smile

What can I do to “let the light in?” 

Every day: 

What are 10 things I am grateful for?

What inspired me today?

What are some positive affirmations I can tell myself?

What are my intentions for the day?

How can I incorporate self-care into today?

What can I release from today?

What did I learn today?

What will make me happy today?

Stress relief 

What can I let go of? *Thank you, next…* 

How am I feeling?

Who can I send love to?

How can I give myself compassion and love?

Free space/ brain dump

-Inspirational quotes/habits/ideas that I want to implement into my life 

Songs that make me feel better

Comfort TV shows

What is something that makes me smile?

 -What are my fave de-stressors?

Deep reflection: 

What is an activity that I did when was younger that I still love?

What are some of my dreams and goals?

What are things that make me unique?

What can I let go of?

What is bringing me joy?

What isn’t bringing me joy?

Who do I want to be?

Write a letter to yourself a week ago

What kinds of people do I want to attract in my life?

What does the best version of myself look like? 

What are the things that I love?

Gratitude and Joy 

-What am I grateful for?

-Who am I thankful for?

-What is a time that made me laugh uncontrollably?

-What am proud of?

-What is a moment that happened that I’m grateful for?

-What is a song that immediately makes me dance?

-What are the little things I am grateful for?

-What is a TV show that makes me happy? 

I hope you found some inspiration for your journaling sessions. Thank you for reading. Have the best day!

P.S. Songs I recommend you listen to today: Here Comes The Sun By The Beatles; Thank You, Next by Ariana Grande; and Solar Power by Lorde  



Sadie Christine
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