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Your Ultimate Summer Playlists
Ihave made a list of some of my favourite movies, and included a Spotify playlist for each genre so you can fully live your best summer. You can either listen to the playlists directly via the link or incorporate these songs into your own playlists. 
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The Phenomenon of Gossip Girl – Then and Now
Gossip Girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite... And who am I? That's one secret I'll never tell. You know you love me. XOXO, GG” In honour of the New Gossip girl reboot on HBO Max and Crave (if you’re Canadian like me), I wanted to bring awareness to the cultural reset that was and is Gossip Girl. In this blog I will not be sharing the fashion in Gossip Girl due to the fact I will soon be doing a whole separate blog dedicated to that. I am currently writing this blog while listening to the GG soundtrack to get some inspo about the 2007 major hit that is/was “Gossip Girl.”
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27 May

Feel-Good Playlist

Need some feel-good energy? I have made the ultimate feel-good playlist of songs that lift me up and I hope they lift you up too. This is a very eclectic mix of all different genres. This playlist has some 2000s throwbacks to some classic alternative happy songs (like Tongue Tied, Electric Love, etc) and pop. The playlist is listed on my Spotify account. If you don’t have Spotify, feel free to add the songs you like to your playlists on whichever streaming platform you use. 

Happy Listening!

LINK TO PLAYLIST: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2mx4mj24Sias9eAKcJFcrv?si=c9c90a543ed64d92

Or search up “ Feel good TTB <3 ” on Spotify 


Sadie <3

Sadie Christine
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